OBJECT & MEDAL FRAMING - From Concept to Completion
For more photos of our object framing projects click here.
All our object and medal frames are framed to full conservation standards. This means that medals are hand stitched into place, so they can be completely removed if required in the future.
Our attention to detail is second-to-none. For example, shown here is an antique postcard, the reverse has been scanned and an archival quality giclee print made. The piece of original sticky tape was placed onto the print, making the print look even more real. The 3D levels of the memorabilia add to the overall interest of the finished frame.
WWI Soldier - Johanis Ernest Warnest
WWI Soldier - Private L. G. Hunter
Antique Book Frame with Removable Front
Antique books should never be displayed opened flat or vertically, so a book mount was designed to cradle the spine whilst supporting it slightly closed and at an angle. The front of this display is removable, so the pages can be changed or the book removed completely.
Three Antique Taxidermy Specimens c1920
Dr. Peter Windsor - Long Service Medal
Vintage Stamp Collection - Dedicated to Christian Missionaries Horace & Joyce Hamer